
May 26, 2015

Welcome to the NEW!

By: Construkt

Some changes…

You may have noticed that things look a little bit different around here.


I’ve been mentioning a full website revamp for awhile and after a lot of poking and prodding trying to make everything come together, it looks like we’ve finally arrived. We have redesigned the layout of the lists to make them easier to view on mobile, as well as being more streamline and easier to read on desktop. Colors have been changed to improve readability, and the data orientation on the lists have been aligned to ease the process of comparing different models.


Your thoughts?

We’ve had a ton of positive feedback on the site before the relaunch, with a little constructive criticism. That feedback was absolutely appreciated and helped get us where we are now. More input would be fantastic and I hope everyone likes what they see, but our ears are always open to more thoughts on how we can improve LappyList.


Also bare with us, as some portions of the site are still being completed.


Thanks for your continued support!


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